In a spur of the moment decision last night, 2 fellow Clarkson
alums and I decided to go to the game at the Knick.  The two
teams skated to a 3-3 tie.  However, Team Canada looked better
than USA.  I wasn't taking notes, and I don't have this morning's
paper yet, so here's what I remember.
I didn't see the first goal (we were late).  But Fusco scored the
second about half way through the second period to break a tie.
McEachern (sp?) scored about 5 minutes into the 3rd to put USA in
front.  Canada tied the score with 8 or so minutes left (I think)
with a shorthanded goal.
Here are my immediate impressions:  the lines with Fusco and McEachern
were explosive on the ice.  They were the ones taking a majority of
the shots and kept the Canada goalie on his toes.  Kuntar was
fantastic...he kept the score a lot closer than it should have been.
The USA power play was weak (hence then shorthanded goal) and passing
in general seemed sloppy.  There were a lot of missed passes, people
trying drop passes and the other person wasn't there, people skating
ahead (or behind) where the puck actually appeared, and so on.
The game wasn't that bleak, though.  It had it's good points.  As
I said before, Kuntar looked excellent.  He was given a 10 minute
misconduct about 9 minutes into the first, we never figured out
why.  For Clarkson fans, Dave Tretowicz got a lot of ice time, he
was out about every fourth line change and looked good.  He won't
rack up the points like he did at Clarkson, but he's keeping the
puck in the zone and protecting the goalie very well.  He had
a couple nice steals.
Overall, the team looked a little shaky, but it could have been a
lot of off night, tired from traveling, etc.  They will
be in Albany again on December 7.  It will be televised live on CBS.
If anyone is interested in going, there are plenty of tickets left.
There were close to 5000 there last night, they will have to do
better than that for national coverage.  The Knick seats about 17000.
Finally, (I know this is getting long) the Knick looks like a good
place for hockey.  We were seated about half way up in a corner and
had no vision problems at all.  I'm not sure yet about seats on the
glass...but they don't look too bad.
Beth Weise
Let's go Tech!