Excerpts from Mike M's response to Kenny Z:
> The reason for the offsides rule in the first place was to prevent
> goal-hanging.  If a player is carrying the puck into the zone himself, of
> course he cannot be goal-hanging.  Therefore some latitude was allowed for
> the player carrying the puck.  The general intent of the rule is not
> abrogated by allowing this exception.
I have never heard of the term goal-hanging before.  What does this refer to?
> I cannot recall seeing it at least recently, but I have seen old films where
> #4 would hold the puck far from his body, still in control, and simultaneously
> fend off a defender as he entered the zone before the puck, which was at about
> a 45 degree angle behind him.  In a way, puck carrying is a lost art, and so
> we don't see many players do things like this anymore.  But the rule was
> written a while ago when it was more common.
Who is the #4 you are refering to?
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