>>       % First round match-ups, times and the name of the tournament have yet
>> to be finalized. (Any suggestions?)
>> Jack McDonald
>> Athletic Director
>> University of Denver
>How about the Rocky Mountain Face Off?  Rocky Mountain Holiday Clasic?
>Anyhow, congratualations and best of luck with the tournament.
>     - Pat
Not bad, Pat. My suggestions may be too punny to work, but they were fun to
 think up.
  "Rocky Mountain Spotted Hockey Fever" - motto "Enough hockey to make you ill"
 or just "Catch the fever!"
  "Rocky Mountain (Hockey) High" - with special anthem singer, John Denver
  "The Mile High Hockey Showdown" - motto "The air is thin; the action will
 leave you breathless"
  "The Mogul Classic" - sponsored by the Colorado Skiing Association; "It's all
 downhill from here"
  That's enough for now. My brain is starting to hurt.