Everyone is talking about how div III is proposing (?) to  move their finals
to a neutral site. Some have suggested that neutral site for div I is alright
because they have enough fans that are willing to travel. I think the new
neutral site playoff format is really going to hurt the students the most.
I think the neutral site final four is a good idea, but the neutral site
playoffs just suck. By removing the game(s) from the higher seeds arena it
penalizes the school and its students for having its teams do well. For example
last year when Wisconson was here for the playoffs, those fans that travelle
d from Wisconson with their team helped the revenue of the town. They had to
pay for hotels, food, gas, and other things. By removing the playoffs it hurts
the town. It hurts the students because just when things are really getting
exciting and the reward for all their support during the season comes near
the NCAA decides to take away that reward and move it to a neutral site making
the students pay even more if they want to go see it and many of them cannot
afford such a trip.
	I'm all for Div III remaining in the local site format as it rewards
the town and the students for remaining faithful during the season and the
arena will most definately be packed instead of a 1/3 to 1/2 full arena at
higher ticket prices.
					-Ted Weiler
					Clarkson U. Pep Band (Tuba)
					"Let's go KNIGHTS!!!!"