Hey all you hockey fans
	Well, the summer is finally over and now we can begin to truely
smell the compressors going as they lay down the ice all across the
country for the great sport of hockey.
	I go to Clarkson and in our schedule we play a Czech. team named
T.J. Vitkovice. I was wondering if any of the other div. I teams had
scheduled a game with this team or a similar international team. It
should be interesting to see how our Golden Knights stand up against
a foriegn national team.
	As to last years stats, I was expecting to get them sent to me
over the summer to try and simulate last season on Wayne Greztky Hockey
and the Hockey League Simulator that comes as an add-on. Unfortunately, I
never received them, but I am trying to track them down. Any of you who
wrote to me asking for them last year will have to write again as the
all-powerful sysop here saw fit to delete some of my files in a temp.
directory and included was the list of people who wanted the stats.
		Best of luck to all the teams this coming year and
		may we see a lot of you fans at the Knickerbocker this
		spring for the National Championship. 8-)
						Ted Weiler
						Clarkson U. '94
						"Let's Go Tech!!!"