Greg writes:
>                         But anyway, all's right with the world now
>that Cornell has a #1 goalie in the NHL once again (Brian Hayward, SJ),
Trivia note:  Assuming the NHL doesn't fold its tent over a player strike or
something, Hayward will be playing in his ninth professional season in 1991-
92 -- which will give him the longest NHL career of any former Cornell
hockey player.  Hopefully, Joe Nieuwendyk's knee can be put back together so
he can take a run at Hayward's mark.
>TSN 91-92 Yearbook lists Kent Manderville as a returnee, but that
>doesn't mean it's true.  Well, is it?
Not unless he gets real homesick real fast.  Manderville is currently over
in Finland practicing with the rest of the Canadian Olympic team, which also
includes (former) Cornellian Dan Ratushny (just out of curiosity, has anyone
got a complete roster of the Canadian team?)
Bill Fenwick
Cornell '86
"LOST DOG:  3 legs, blind in left eye, missing right ear, tail broken,
 recently castrated... answers to name of 'Lucky'."
-- poster seen recently in a local coffee shop, among other places