Gads.  I tell others not to post junk mail to the list, and then to it
myself.  Sorry, Henry.  And sorry list members.  I'll try to get better.
Well, if nothing else, perhaps the previous inadvertent posting to the
list shows that your, so far this season, quiet list administrator is
doing something in the background.
PS In a short while I'll be announcing a new way to receive HOCKEY-L
postings via a new (not yet born) list called HOCKEY-D, the College
Hockey Discussion List DIGEST.  It will be a read-only compendium of
HOCKEY-L postings distributed every few days to every week or so
depending on volume (size of the digest posting).  I'll have more
complete information when the new list comes online, hopefully later
this week.
PPS (I suppose this posting should have *something* to say related to
college hockey!) As last years members of HOCKEY-L know, U of Maine's
Alfond Arena has been undergoing a major expansion over the summer.  The
first game in Orono is now scheduled to be Nov 21st.  Coach Walsh
recently commented that the team should be able to practice at Alfond
Nov 16.  Strangely, an acquaintance of mine recently received a call
informing her that she shouldn't count their ice time around Nov 16,
since Alfond may not be ready.  They're still pouring forms; there
is no roof; NO WAY it will be ready!