Bill Beulac write:
>Mike Machnik writes:
>>  "concerning Pat LaFontaine"
>> It would be great to have the guy on the team, but knowing
>> USA Hockey's commitment to amateur players (using pros only sparingly),
>	Personally I agree with this stance.  *I* like the idea of
>	the Olympic team being made up of "kids".   Geesh, would the
>	1980 victory have as staggering if Barasso had been in net
>	and Bret Hull scored the game winner, with Chelios on the point?
>	I think not!!   I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not real
>	excited about seeing NHLers play in the Olympics, nor NBAers for
>	that matter.
Yeah, kids like Jim Johannson who is probably older than LaFontaine
(Johannson left Wisconsin in 1986 which makes him approx. 27).  The only
thing that unifies these kids is that they are not ready to make an
impact on the NHL teams that own their rights.  I was as excited as anyone
in 1980 when the US beat the USSR and then won the gold but that is
all in the past.  And yes beating the USSR with Hull, Chelios, and
Richter :-) would be just as sweet.
	1.  Run the Olympic hockey tourney like Olympic soccer.  That is
	only players under 23 who have never played in the World Cup are
	eligible.  In this case substitute the Hockey World Championships
	for the World Cup.  Then we really will have the "kids" and every
	one will play ( more or less) by the same rules.
	2.  Run the World Championships at a time when all NHL players
	can play.  Either the NHL should take a break during the season
	or should end earlier (I prefer the latter).
	3.  Televise the Canada Cup nationally in the US not on *%&@&%!
The Olympics are fun and a nice experience for the younger players.  Heck
I enjoy college hockey because there is a certain excitement that gets
lost when it turns into just another business a la the NHL.  Sometimes
the Olympics reflects this enthusiasm and sometimes it doesn't.
However, if I want to watch the best players in the world I'll watch
the Canada Cup.
'Nuff said,
Mark Grassl