On Aug 13,  1:23pm, Patrick E Fleming wrote:
} Subject: Notre Dame invited to join the CCHA
} The August issue of the South Bend Tribune Irish Sports Report published a
} blurb which indicates that Notre Dame has been tendered an invitation to
} re-join the CCHA for the 1992-93 season.  Notre Dame athletic director Dick
} Rosenthal confirmed to the Tribune that ND is actively considering the
} invitation.
}-- End of excerpt from Patrick E Fleming
I went to the last BGSU-ND game in South Bend just for the sake that I
could say I was there for the bitter end.  There seemed to be a
bitterness about this among the ND fans, but the University in general
seemed pretty apathetic.
I would LOVE it if ND came back to the CCHA.  Gee, with Kent and then ND
in the CCHA . . . 12 teams??  It's going to be tougher with a 34 game
schedule . . .
Good luck Coach Schaefer . . . give them a little of their own
'Fighting' Irish
a BGSU alumn . . .
Phil Ritzenthaler  The Advanced Computing Center for the Arts & Design (ACCAD)
Systems Manager    The Ohio State University
                   UUCP: ...!{pyramid,killer}!grumpy.cgrg.ohio-state.edu!phil
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