Received: by DniMail (v1.0); Mon Aug 12 08:12:44 1991 EDT
Received: from sn636.uca by sn370 (4.1/SMI-4.0)
	id AA06543; Mon, 12 Aug 91 08:12:39 EDT
From: edatc (Alan T. Chien)
To: crdgw1::"[log in to unmask]"
Subject: add me to this list!
Cc: crdgw1::"[log in to unmask]"
My name is
	Alan Chien
and I'd like to be added to this list.  I am a recent graduate
of Cornell University, so I'd like to keep up on ECAC hockey.
I have both a SUN account and a VAX account but my SUN account
has had trouble receiving incoming mail lately, so I'll give
you my VAX address on internet:
	[log in to unmask]
P.S. Use the address I listed above, and not the address in
     the message header because I'm composing this message
     from my SUN account.