>    Well, I have 2 cents too.
>    It seems to me that the best way to reduce the alleged increase in high
> sticking is to start calling the penalty more often. After a few games it will
> no longer be a problem.
>                                       - Bob
I agree that the problem will lessen with calling the infraction more
stringently and more consistently but that doesn't solve the short term
problem of injuries due to the players "not learning" quickly enough that
they will be sent to the penalty box.  I surely would not want to be on
the receiving end of a high stick to the face once I gave up my mask/glass
I realize that the infractions won't end completely and that the risk of
injury will still exist.  During the Stanley Cup playoffs a NorthStar
(Tinordi or Johnson) received a high stick to the face and the pros
haven't been required to wear full masks/glass and blood was drawn.
John J. Feigal                       phone: (612) 638-7834
NCR Network Products Division        email: [log in to unmask]
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