In light of my posting from Friday May 31st (NCAA NEWS!!) here are my views on
 the pros and cons of face masks.
 I think that the players and coaches have a valid point about the fact that
 HAVING full-face shields in a way encourages more high-sticking and
 interference. I know that many players complain about the full cage-like masks
 that block some of their vision. The alternative is the full plexiglass-shield
 which also becomes very hot. I would be in favor of having a half-shield mask,
 but wonder how many injuries would result from the force of habit that has
 already begun. (the high-sticking, etc)
 I would hate to see any players get injured in the transition period. It really
  is quite the dilemma!
 Well...comments anyone? Other opinions?
 WAKE UP everyone!!! *:-)
 GO Gophers!!!