Ed Ferguson or I should be able to post a tentative Maine schedule later
this week.
I chatted with the HE commissioner a bit over the weekend.  Although the
plans are for the HE tournament to be in Boston Garden, the NCAA rule
and tournament changes make the league at least a little uncomfortable.
Look for HE to listen to possible changes in the end of season play.
Jean-Yves Roy heads to a hockey camp later this week.  Sorry that I
forget it's name, but some people in the know seem to think this may be
his time to show off to the pro contract makers.  I hope he does great,
for he is a fine young man.  Perhaps secretly I hope they put him out on
the ice with a couple of slugs so us Maineiacs will get thrilled by him
at Alfond Arena for at least one more year :-)
Wayne (spending all my time at the Black Bear ball-park these days) Smith