From May 10th through May 28th I will be out of the office.  I will be
checking my email daily, and voice mail periodically.  If you need to
contact me I can be reached at the Convex field offices on the dates
listed below:
                May 11 - 14     Frankfurt
                May 15 - 18     Paris
                May 16 - 21     London
                May 22 - 25     Amsterdam
                May 25 - 28     Somewhere on skis
                May 29th        Back in the office
While I'm gone please forward any STARS issues to Sue Spurger, sushi issues
to Mark Botner, and support issues to either Paul Gregory or Sharon Bayne.
Or, you could try paging me. :-)
William J. Beaulac                        Systems Support Specialist
Convex Computer Corporation               Technical Assistance Center
3000 Waterview Parkway                    Email: [log in to unmask]
P.O. Box 833851  m/s TAC                  Phone: 800-952-0379
Richardson, Tx. 75083-3851                Fax  : 214-497-4560