Kevin writes:
>Ok, if we're talkin about high scoring lines, how about the HEM line, Heinze,
>Emma and MacGinnis?  They had to be right up there.
I thought of them too, but the HEM line doesn't make it for several reasons.
The biggest one is that although Emma had a great season with 35-48=83 in 39
games, Heinze & McInnis did not have very good years, partly because each
missed several games due to injuries.  (Again the numbers are at home.)  Also,
they didn't always play together.  For at least a third of the 90-1 season,
Guerin replaced Heinze, who was dropped to the second line while he tried to
get his act together.  Last year, the three combined for 188 points in 40
games which doesn't come close to any of the other lines I mentioned either
in point totals or points per game.  (I believe Heinze & McInnis both
finished around 50 points for this season.)
BTW, Vukonich-Ciavaglia-Donato also did not play together for the entire
season.  Tomassoni broke them up at mid-season to try to balance out the
scoring, and they were only reunited for the ECAC Semifinal against Clarkson.
I'm not sure how many games they did actually play together.
Because of changes like these, it's difficult to produce combined line
stats, so take all those numbers with a grain of salt.  In addition, some
points come on special teams or line changes when one or more of the line's
players isn't on the ice.  It's still interesting to look at numbers like
the ones these guys put up, though.