From the Minnesota Daily this morning:
     If college hockey coaches have their way, their players may not be wearing
 full face masks anymore. Instead, players may be wearing half shields. NCAA
 hockey coaches, in an attempt to cut down on interference in college hockey,
 voted last week to recommend that the full face mask be eliminated from the
    The rationale, coaches and players argue, is that without a full face
 shield to protect players, opposing players will make more of a conscious
 effort to keep their sticks down and reduce interference penalties near and
 away from the play of the puck.
     Coaches argued that because of too much action away from the puck, skating
 and speed are disappearing from the game. The committee will recommend the
 change be implemented as soon as the 1991-92 season, but most people in hockey
 circles expect the change to take longer.
      The NCAA Rules Committee also added or revised several other minor rules,
 the most significant being that hand passes will now be legal, by players in
 their defensive zone. Last season a hand pass resulted in a stoppage of play
 and a face-off.
     Anyone heard about the other "minor" changes in rules?  Well this should
 be a good new topic to keep us busy for a couple of days at least!! *:-)
 Watch for my opinions later today or Monday.
 GO Gophers!!!