Mazzoleni coached at Wisconsin-Stevens Point from '86-'87 through this past
season.  His Pointers have been in the NCAA Div. III playoffs each of the
past four seasons.  In 1988, they lost to eventual champion Wisconsin-River
Falls.  Since then, they have won three straight national championships.
The impression I get is that Mazzoleni is an excellent recruiter, just by
judging some of the talent he has been able to obtain.  My most lasting
memory of the NCAA finals at RIT in 1989 (where the Pointers beat the
Tigers in a two-game series, 3-3 and 3-2) is that Mazzoleni's team was
deep and _good_.
The most famous graduate of Mazzoleni's program at UWSP is current Boston
Bruin/Maine Mariner Ralph Barahona, who had an excellent season as a
rookie pro.
Rob Springall
P.S.  Sorry I wasn't able to provide any RIT hockey news this past season,
I was goofing off and making money down in Philadelphia.  From the reports
I've seen I didn't miss much.  Boy, do I miss Buddy Powers. :-(