R. Alvarez writes:
>over the glass.  Anyother places out there have similar atrocities
>committed at their games?
I wouldn't call it an atrocity, but there is of course The New Hampshire
Fish which has been discussed here before.  The tradition for several
years at least, ever since I have been following Hockey East closely
since 1986-87, has been for some fraternity to throw a huge fish onto
the ice upon the scoring of UNH's first goal.  Nobody seems to mind and
the rink crew is always prepared to come right out and scoop it up so
there is no delay to the game.
But, I do recall back around 1987 when I made the trip to Lively Snively
with Northeastern, and The Fish somehow made its way into the cargo hold
of the NU team bus.  Boy, did the equipment bags stink after that.  But
it was good old harmless fun.  I think NU won the game. :-)  I am sure
this story has been repeated with other visiting teams.
The last few seasons, The Fish has gone on the road during big road games
such as BC and Providence, and I believe it was also sighted at Minnesota
a few years ago.  Watch for The Fish in an arena near you.