I was at the championship game, and my seat was behind the "non-goal" event
during the 2nd period.  I wasn't paying very close attention to the action
around the net when this all happened, BUT I believe I saw the referee signal
a goal.  Then I saw the BU players discussing (looked more like arguing) it
with him.  I actually never saw the puck in the net because when the red light
went on, the person in front of me jumped up.  The first thing I do when the
red light goes on is to look at the referee--and I honestly thought I saw
him use the hand signal for a goal.  So it seemed to me that the BU players
convinced him otherwise.  Is anyone from the NMU band on this hockey list? They
were positioned the best for this chain of events.
Dan Glumac
University of Minnesota
PS to Wayne Smith:  Does this hockey list remain active during the off season?
This is my first year on the list.