David Halonen asks:
>As a loyal Michigan Tech fan, I've been taking some abuse the last couple of
>seasons.  MTU just hasn't done that well.  Except that this past year was a
>marked improvement over the year before.  So my question is:  according to the
>computer ranking, was MTU the most improved team?
>Also, who dived the most (number of positions), who was the most consistant,
Good questions. These all sound like fun things to do in the off-season.
Here is what I intend to do with TCHCR over the next few months:
  o Apply the current algorithm to the 86-7, 87-8, 88-9 and 89-90 seasons.
  o Improve the algorithm to quelch some of the "complaints". This will
             -- Rewarding defensive teams more
             -- Not forcing ratings to go from 0 to 100
  o Anything else you all want; just ask (send mail to either address below!)
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