Kevin Yetman sent me mail:
>Thought you might want to know, Matt Adams had an assist the other night on
>what I believe was the winning goal as Team Massachusetts beat Team Wisconsin
>six to four.
    Thanks, Kevin - I wanted to send mail today about this but I forgot the
    paper, so I'll go on memory.  Team Mass is now 4-0 with this win over
    Wisconsin, the other wins coming over Team Southwest, Team Pittsburgh,
    and Team North Dakota (3-1).  Adams has scored in every game except the
    Wisconsin game and is Mass's leading scorer, I believe, with something
    like 12 points in four games.  Merrimack people are wishing the season
    started tomorrow...
    If anyone has further info on this tourney being played in Chicago,
    please let us know; all I see are blurbs that don't mention any of the
    other teams.  I expect the big matchup will be between Mass & Minnesota,
    but I don't know how Minnesota is doing.
    - mike