Wayne writes:
> They don't and won't.  I've heard and have been involved with a few
> folks discussing possible splinter groups for next season.
>  - Some have talked about a stats-only list.
>  - Some have suggested that there is enough Pep-Band interest for a
>    separate list.  I think that a good idea.  Until then, and given the
>    direct relation to College Hockey, I enjoy their participation here
>    on HOCKEY-L.
Personally, I'd be interested in game summary/news list only.  I really
enjoyed these type of postings (thanks Mike(s) and the others who took
the time to put these together).  I just nuked the band and rah rah pieces
anyway.  But, be it HE, ECAC, WCHL, or whatever, this list was my only
real link to college hockey info over the last two years.  Thanks again
to all those that made it possible.
Bill Beaulac
System Specialist
Convex TAC   x4069 	           "No matter where you go...there you are"
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