Ah Greg don't be so hard on Kent, here in Ann Arbor, he
showed us what he's got.  I would love  to play opposite
wing with him (gosh I don't have to grind tonight!).  He
seems like a head case, but one who might grow out of it
with age.  Good coaching can bring this out of him.  He
likes the physical game (a la NHL) and might make a good
contribution there (but no Joe Nieuwendyk :)).  I think
he enjoyed the physical challenge the Michigan defence
gave him and they seemed to respect very much his ability.
Noone pushed him out of the low slot (I gotta respect that)
and he opened up lanes for Derreaugh (sp?) and the other
forwards.  Manderville should be an asst coaches pet project
'cause as we all recognize, he's got the tools, just needs
a little help in using them (as many young players do).
If any of you glowing rodents (read : gophers), have an address/
toll free telephone# I can use to order some gopher ears, I'd
like to have it.  Same goes for the Cheeseheads out there.
An old hockey buddy of mine (T. Granato LA Kings) is really
pissed at me for asking him to get me a NoDak Sioux sweater,
so I'd like to get back in good with him.
Sean Hames
Nuclear Engineering
ps if anyone sees this post, please send a quick note back.