Mike's recent posting of the longest NCAA DivI games called to mind
a high school game written up in Sports Illustrated some years ago that
I've forgotten the pertinent details.  It seems the North (South ??)
Dakota State High School Championship game for the year in question when
so long without a winner that the two competing teams were declared co-
champions rather than continue.  I recall the brief article included a
picture of both teams sprawled on the ice in utter exhaustion, neither
team able to continue.  I can't recall the year, only that it was a year
or two before the 4OT NCAA thriller between Bowling Green and Minn-Duluth
at Lake Placid in 1984.  After THAT game ended, a number of us in attendance
remarked how the sight of BG and UM-D players collapsed all over the ice
reminded us of the pictures in SI.  Does anyone else remember this article,
or have any details about the game ??
					Greetings from the Chesapeake -- Jim
Jim Love <[log in to unmask]>  Univ. of Maryland System / Solomons, Maryland