Last night I had a chance to look at the replay of the NMU-BU game and that
2nd period goal.  Like the rest of you, I'm still not sure what to think.
There is no doubt that the referee signaled a goal.  But since he had a
discussion with the linesmen, perhaps they somehow changed his mind.  The colot
(that's should be color) commentator, Wally Shaver, said that the referee had
blown the whistle because he lost sight of the puck.  If that had been the
case we immediately should have seen the ref waving his hands signally the
no-goal sign.
There was also speculation that because the NMU player (can't remember his
name) crashed into Bradley, anything after the collision should not be
allowed.  However, if you look carefully at the replay, the BU defender seemed
to nonchalantly use his stick to trip up the NMU player which eventually sent
him into the goalie.  I'm not trying to condemn the BU defender--I'm just
saying that's what it looked like on the replay.
There was one more possibility--that the NMU player slapped the puck into the
net with his hand just after he collided with the goalie.  I could not tell
from the replay if this was the case.
There was no mention of this incident in the newspapers whatsoever.  That
surprised me.  I guess we may never know.
Dan Glumac
University of Minnesota