On Apr 5, 12:32pm, grad student Daniel Glumac wrote:
} Subject:
} Yesterday someone posted a message that alleged that two NMU players
} had tested positive for use of a banned substance and that the NCAA
} was meeting to decide if there should be a forfeit.  Since then I have
} closely followed the media and have not heard anything about this.
} Was it just a rumor?
}-- End of excerpt from grad student Daniel Glumac
This guy can't be serious, can he????  I know it take's all kinds, but
with an april fools joke that wasn't pulled off, it's admitted, and then
someone STILL belives it??
Phil Ritzenthaler  The Advanced Computing Center for the Arts & Design (ACCAD)
Systems Manager    The Ohio State University
                   UUCP: ...!{pyramid,killer}!grumpy.cgrg.ohio-state.edu!phil
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