The usenet news group rec sport hockey has already had some comments on the
"non-goal" in overtime where BU came oh so close.  The replays on that were
excellent and convinced me it was not a goal.  However, I'm still not convinced
the Northern "non-goal" in the second period was not a goal.
1. The puck did cross the line.
2. The impetus of the puck crossing the line "seemed to be" the shot
   from the northern player.
3. Replays were unclear on whether the northern player touched the puck with
   his hand on the way down.
4. The tv explaination that the ref blew the play dead did not wash with
   either of the announcers.
Can any authorative sources (like perhaps kenny Z) comment?
Can anybody who was there in person add any insight?
charlie shub  [log in to unmask]  -or-   ..!ucar!boulder!cdash
  or even         (719) 593-3492     -or-  cdash@colospgs (BITNET)