Well, I seem to have recovered now from my weekend in St. Paul, and
have gotten caught up with all the e-mail that piled up.  So, I guess
I should put in my $0.02.
First of All:   ARRRRGGGGHHH!!    [I am beginning to hate goal posts]
Secondly:       Congratulations to Northern Michigan, they definitely
                deserved to be the National Champions.  But, I am
                proud of the effort BU made to come so close
About the game: That game was the most amazing roller coaster ride I
                have ever been on. During the third period, I never
                had a doubt that they could come back.  [Well, maybe
                one or two doubts :-)]  I was amazed at the number of
                people routing for the Wildcats, but I suppose that it
                was a WCHA arena.
                I wish I had seen the '89 final so I could compare for
                myself.  Sounds like it was a great one as well.
Now for some random ramblings:
   - About the "Budweiser" song.  BU has been playing that for more
     than a few years.  The first time I heard it was back in 1987,
     during the end of my sophomore year.  [I am pretty certain about
     the time and year, since I was not able to attend any games
     during my junior year]  They play it maybe once every 2 or 3
     games.  And they usually end with a "When you say BUDWEISER..."
     chant.  It has never really been used as a fight song, just a
     random pep song,  like "Tequila".
     Of course, you would probably have to find a BU band member from
     a few years ago to confirm when they started using it.  It has
     pretty much just "been there" for me.
   - Yeah, most likely the BU coeds had New York accents, since we
     do seem to get a good share of New Yorkers, and a MUCH smaller
     number of people with Boston accents.  [I am from Maryland,
     myself, of which there aren't many either :-)]
   - Sorry I couldn't make the HOCKEY-L gathering, but I was staying
     at my roommate's place out in the suburbs and just wasn't able to
     hang out in St. Paul much.  Glad to hear it went so well!
   - I saw the last period of the Rangers - Caps series last night and
     didn't notice Amonte or Weight.  [Why did the Rangers have to
     draft him :-(.  I thought my luck was going better when Cullen
     was traded away from Pittsburgh.  This is the Cap fan in me
     Just got the message from Pete, Amonte's stats were:
                      G      A     Pts
       1989 - 1990   25     33      58    (lead team in scoring as a Freshman)
       1990 - 1991   31     36      67    (2nd (?) on team behind McEachern)
       -----------  -------------------
       Totals        56     69     125
   - About the NCAA playoff proposal for next year, I really hope they
     don't institute it.  I doubt I ever would have travelled out to
     the Final Four this year (or last year), if I hadn't been able to
     see BU play at home in the playoffs over the years in series
     against Minnesota, North Dakota and MSU.  Those series really
     helped in getting my interest peaked for the playoffs, as well as
     for college hockey in general.  If the games are played at only
     two sites and only for 1 game, there are that many less fans that
     will be able to see great hockey played.  I feel that cutting
     back on sites and games will only be to the detriment of college
Anyway, I got most of what was bouncing around in my head out.  I am
sure I missed some stuff, but oh well.
Again:  Congrats to Northern Michigan!!
Hope to see everyone at Knickerbocker Arena next year.  [I, for one,
plan on attending as many Final Fours as possible, whether or not BU
is there]
adam bryant
Boston University, Class of '89