My personal opinion:
I have always been against sports collumnists printing information
about the personal lives of sports figures, and this Maine incident
is no exception. This article had absolutely nothing to do with sports,
therefore it should not have been printed on the sports page. If it
was newsworthy enough it should have been printed with the rest of the
I know I am not the administrator of this hockey list, but I think the
same should hold true here. Most of the people on this list know at least
one hockey player personally. If they wanted to they could report to the
list every time that player got drunk or broke up with a girlfriend or
whatever. What I am trying to say here, is that the Maine hockey players
incident had nothing to do with hockey, and I think it should not be
discussed here.
Dean Barker				Cray Research, Inc.
[log in to unmask]				655F Lone Oak Drive
(612) 683-5414				Eagan, MN 55121