For those interested in buying a poster for this year's NCAA
finals, you can send a check of money order made payable to
the NCAA for $5 per poster plus $2 per order for shipping and
handling to the NCAA communications department. Be sure to
specify that you are ordering the 1991 NCAA Division I Hockey
Championship poster.
6201 College Boulevard
Overland Park, Kansas 66211-2422
I saw a small card with a picture on it that I think is the
same as the poster for sale. The top has the caption
"Fire on Ice", with a picture of a hockey skate and its
reflection, with flames coming off the back. The bottom says
"1991 NCAA Division I Hockey Championship".
I'll be at all the games (wearing a Gophers shirt!). I'll be
cheering for NMU, and whoever else plays well! I'm sure the
St. Paul organizers are bummed out that the participating
schools are from so far away. The Gophers would have filled
the place, and Wisconsin, UMD, NoDak, or St. Cloud would have
brought big crowds as well. As it is now, I doubt if any game
will have more than 10,000. (The arena holds ~17,000).
Looking forward to seeing all you hockey_l fans at the Radisson
on Thursday!