WCHA quaterfinal score from Sunday March 3 1991:
   Wisconsin 5, Minnesota-Duluth 3   (Wisconsin wins series 2-0)
Pairings are now final for the WCHA tournament at the St. Paul Civic Center,
Sunday-Monday, March 10-11:
  2:05   Minnesota vs. Wisconsin
  7:05   Northern Michigan vs. North Dakota
  2:05   Third place game
  7:05   Championship
Erik Biever                              --GOLDEN GOPHER   MMMMM    MMMMM
St. Paul, Minnesota - Home of the       --HOCKEY            MM MM  MM MM
1991 WCHA & NCAA Championships         --Fastest Game      MM   MMMM   MM
BITNET:    e-biev@uminn1              --In Town           MM   MMMMMM   MM
INTERNET:  [log in to unmask]                      MMMMM          MMMMM