The following is from today's [3/21/91] Boston Globe:
_Ceglarski will retire in 1992_  by Bob Monahan, Globe Staff
Len Ceglarski will stay on as Boston College hockey coach for one last
season.  Ceglarski met with athletic director Chet Gladchuk yesterday
afternoon, during which they discussed all aspects of the program.  Shortly
after they finished, it was announced that 1991-92 will be Ceglarski's
Ceglarski, 64, the winningest coach in college hockey history (659-319-35),
coached at Walpole High School and at Clarkson before he took over the BC
job from his former coach, John (Snooks) Kelley, in 1972.
"This is really the first time that I have had to sit down and have a talk
with Chet Gladchuk," said Ceglarski.  "I have decided that next year will
be my last as head coach at Boston College.
"I have done a lot of thinking over the season, and my wife, Ursula, and I
decided [Tuesday night] that I will retire after next year.  I feel good
about the support the hockey program has had at Boston College.  It has been
a good program, but we think we can make it even better.
"I am disappointed the way things ended this year, but I am just as excited
about our prospects for next year.
"But after all the rumors about my retiring, I just wanted to state what was
going to happen.  I have two years remaining on my contract, but we feel it
is time to retire after next season."
This season ended in frustration.  After the Eagles won the Hockey East
regular-season title, they were knocked out of the league playoffs by last
seed Northeastern in the first round.  Last weekend BC, seeded third in the
East, was swept by Alaska-Anchorage in a best-of-three first round NCAA
playoff series.
In recent years, a small group of BC alumni had pressured Ceglarski to
resign and pass the torch to Jerry York (a BC grad and now head coach at
Bowling Green), associate coach Steve Cedorchuk or assistant Joe Mallen.
The group had influence, but never a majority.
A year ago, York said he and his family were too close to the Bowling Green
scene to return to Boston.  Cedorchuk and Mallen always were loyal to
If BC had won the national title this season, Ceglarski might have thought
about retiring at that point.
Hmm... it looks as though college hockey is about to lose one of the
greatest coachs in its history.  I expect next year's Eagles to be
even more determined than ever to win.
I wish Ceglarski and his Eagles the best of luck next year, and
hopefully things will finish on a better note for them next year.
[Of course, I will still be routing for BU in all of our matchups,
but in any other games.... :-)]
adam bryant
Boston University
[The only one of last year's final four remaining...]