Well, the university paper today confirmed that Coach Parker will be
serving his one game NCAA suspension this Friday.  The paper stats
that he will not be able to have contact with his team for at least an
hour before the game or between periods.
The paper says that he will "probably watch the game from the stands".
Assistant coach, Don Cahoon will be in charge of the team during the
On a side note, Parker sent a letter to the Daily Free Press (the
paper) which was an open letter to the students.  This letter
requested that Parker and the team was very glad of the support that
students have been giving the team this year, but that he was upset by
our fans reputation as being "unsportsmanlike".  He requests that the
fans refrain from rude language.
I think this mainly results from a particular cheer which was popular
during my freshman year, but was dead over the last four or five
years, until this year.  It basically says : "Go BU ... Beat <Insert
Team, Usually BC, Here>, They suck <Insert Waste Product Here>"
I totally agree with all of this, as the cheer is not too
imaginative... even though bluntly graphic.
With that in mind... anybody got any good Anti-Michigan cheers?
adam bryant
Boston University