Congratulations to Clarkson for the well deserved victory. I would
just like to add though that Clarkson may have beat the defending
national champions, but Wisconsin was the THIRD place team in the
WCHA this year, and there was a big gap between the top two teams and
the next two teams in the conference.
Some of the Clarkson fans act like they had something to prove to
Wisconsin. Well I don't recall anybody from Wisconsin or the WCHA for
that matter claiming Wisconsin would rout Clarkson. The only people I
saw claim that were in the east. Look Clarkson, maybe the people in
Hockey East will bicker with you about who is better, but those of us
in the west are treating you with respect.
Clarkson was a better team than Wisconsin, quit trying to rub our noses
in it, and good luck against Lake Superior State.
Dean Barker				Cray Research, Inc.
[log in to unmask]				655F Lone Oak Drive
(612) 683-5414				Eagan, MN 55121