Keith says:
> Here are my educated-guesses about which refs went where in the first round:
> Michigan (CCHA) hosts Cornell (ECAC) : Cole (HE)
> BC (HE) hosts Anchorage (Indep) : Shepherd (WCHA)
> Clarkson (ECAC) hosts Wisconsin (WCHA) : Matt Shegos (CCHA)
> Minnesota (WCHA) hosts Providence (HE) : [Pierre??] (ECAC)
Gallagher was the ref for the Minnesota/Providence series and
Shegos and Sheros from the CCHA were the linesmen (sorry if I
butchered the spelling of their names).  While both teams could
(and did) complain about some of the calls, I thought that it
was a reasonably well officiated series.  Erik and Carol may have
other opinions, though.
John Feigal
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Go Gophers!
Beat Maine!!