Having just been witness to perhaps the highest scoring Cornell weekend in
at least MY history at Cornell, I'm just a bit excited...excuse me if I
become a little incoherent.
I have a questiosn about the ECAC finals.  It seesm to me that back in my
good old Undergrad years, the results of the quarterfinal games could never
change the outcome regardign who played whom in the finals.  So, for instance,
Cornell would have known after clobbering Colgate that they would play either
SLU or Vermont, depending on the results of the minigame (which I just recently
heard that SLU won...).  But last night upon calling a fellow Cornell alum
who lives in Boston, I heard a different story.  Something to the effect that
if Vermont had won, it might have changed the seeding for the finals.  Is this
true?  If so, things seem to have changed without my full knowledge...not
actually a very rare occurrence.
Any input appreciated...!
Bethany Davis, Cornell '89 grad '91
P.S. Hey, Bill, no minigame! =)
See you in Boston!