Since wayne has put a limit on the number of messages...
how about combining the many mail messages that have come
from certain people *he says judiciously not naming names*
Into ONE message?  Sounds like a good ideer to me.
Anyway, I am glad to see that someone has picked three (3)
Michigan teams to be in the final four (especially since
Michigan State chose this year to sit out the season :( ).
My heart is proud, even if my mind doesn't exactly believe it.
| C. Michael McCallum                  (this space      )           |
| Dept. of Chemistry                    unfinished..)  / ___        |
| U-C Berkeley                                              \       |
| [log in to unmask]                         __/       |
|                                                                   |
|     Katz's Law:                                                   |
| People and nations will act       All science is either physics   |
| rationally when all other         or stamp collecting.            |
| possibilities are exhausted.        E. Rutherford                 |