Bill Fenwick, that rumor-monger, writes:
>Rumor department:  The Boston Globe printed last weekend that John Cunniff,
>ex-coach of the New Jersey Devils, is a leading candidate for the Boston
>College job when Len Ceglarski steps down.
    I must have missed this.  Asst. Steve Cedorchuk is THE top candidate for
    this job, hands down.  I don't know what makes Cunniff a "leading
    candidate" days after he gets shown the door from NJ.  You can bet that
    if Ceglarski steps down and Cedorchuk does not get the job, he will leave,
    resulting in a complete housecleaning at BC.  I doubt the BC folks want
    to go through that for an ex-pro coach who didn't accomplish much.  Why
    overhaul a successful program?
    However, there are those who believe that Ceglarski and his trusty
    sidekick ARE the problem at BC (no national title since '49)...
    - mike