Josh Hartmann writes:
>I think hockey could use another ref on the ice, or should allow linesmen
>to call penalties. You wouldn't have Ahola getting off scot-free with Roy
    Glen Keeney has already noted that linesman *can* call penalties, or at
    least bring them to the attention of the referee.  When Roy went down,
    the culprit was Tkachuk, not Ahola, and although Cole didn't see the
    penalty, a linesman did.  It was brought to Cole's attention and he
    sent Tkachuk to the box for slashing.  So no one got off scot-free
    that time, anyway.  It was just that Walsh wanted five, not two, and he
    didn't get it.
    I believe the play you are referring to came in the first period when
    Ahola was winding up for a shot and whacked Robitaille in the head. That
    wasn't a case of Cole not seeing it, as far as I could tell, but that he
    just chose not to call it (presumably because he thought it inadvertent,
    with which I am inclined to agree).
    HE ref McBride was one of the in-between guests over the weekend and I
    believe he advocated the two-referee system.  I will refuse the obvious
    comment here. :-)  Those who know McBride have a pretty good idea what I
    was thinking (nothing dirty).
    - mike
    Is the list breaking a record for mail this week?  Seems like it.