I agree that Clarkson would not have been a surprise for #2 (not a
surprise as I am from Clarkson). I was talking to some people and
we guess that Mr.(loosely used) Kennedy may have played politician
for the voting. He may have said that it would be all right to
bump down Clarkson so that Cornell would receive a bid. He had
said that Cornell would probably receive a bid before the consideration
even began...
	About mascots, our mascot, the Knight, skates around with a
stick, he bangs it on the ice, the glass, or anything else around.
He also has a habit of banging his helmeted head on the glass and
taking long runs at the glass like he was checking someone. (He is
usually drunk at the games) He ends up by skating the
length of the ice and doing a somersault and ending up taking the
net off the moorings. He is quite effective as he gets the people
he is nearest to to get up and cheer and gets them excited.
				That's all from here...
				Ted Weiler
				Clarkson Pep Band '94