Well here they are, I got these from our college scoreboard, The Green Machine.
The teams and seedings are as followed:
EAST                                      WEST
----                                      ----
#1 Maine                                  #1 Lake Superior
#2 Boston University                      #2 Northern Michigan
#3 Boston College                         #3 Michigan
#4 Clarkson                               #4 Minnesota
#5 Providence                             #5 Wisconsin
#6 Cornell                                #6 Alaska-Anchorage
The first round games for this weekend, March 15th-17th are as followed:
Providence @ Minnesota
Alaska-Anchorage @ Boston College
Cornell @ Michigan
Wisconsin @ Clarkson
Receiving first round bye's are:
Boston University
Lake Superior
Northern Michigan
Those are the pairings.  Anyone want to make any guesses at who will survive
the first round.
                                         Grant Busler
                                         Clarkson University
                                  "TRYING TO MAKE IT 18-0-1 AT WALKER ARENA"