First of all, thank you to all that replied to my last article.
	You all made some good points, and I agree with some of them,
	enough to see why BC didn't drop.
	But (here's the second point), seeing as each league has a
	different playoff setup, e.g. HE as 1 game winner take all; and
	ECAC has 2 games + mini-game tiebreaker, how does the two games
	against the lower ranked team, like Yale in the case of Clarkson,
	affect its rating. Because it is playing the extra game against
	a lower ranked team, its strength of schedule goes down, and
	wouldn't that lower its rank. BC lost to NU, but in only one game,
	but Clarkson beat a low ranked team in two games. So whatw3 effect
	does this have?
						I wanna know---
						Ted Weiler
						Clarkson '94
						Clarkson Pep Band
				"LETS GO TECH!!!---------->TO ST. PAUL"