Charlie writes:
>The USAFA IRISH series was well contested and featured good hard hitting play.
>There was little if any chippiness and scrums after the whistle.  Referee Ned
>Bunyon had an absolutely miserable weekend with at least 8 phantom fouls and
>4 or 5 obvious missed calls.  He seemed to be well behind the play most of both
    Ned!  I wondered where you had gone!  If this is the same guy (and I don't
    know what he was doing in Colorado), Ned "Don't Call Me Paul" Bunyon is a
    former Hockey East referee who is still listed in the 90-91 yearbook as a
    league official, but to the best of my knowledge he has not done any HE
    games yet this year.  I believe he did the 1988 Championship between Maine
    and Northeastern.
    - mike