Here's a chart that is similar to the one I did last year around this time.
    Some of the things the NCAA has put a lot of stock in, in past years, is
    record against top ~23 teams, top 14, and top 8.  I ranked the DivI
    teams by winning percentage in DivI games, then listed their records
    against the top 23, top 14, and top 8 (actually 9 since BU & UNH have same
    pct).  The top 23 was arrived at by taking all teams with a record at or
    above .500, and adding in the two independents with the best chance at
    getting a bid.  The chart is below; following that is my current guess
    at who will get the bids and where they will be seeded, with some comments.
No Team               Vs All Div I  Vs Top 23      Vs Top 14     Vs Top 8(9)