Wayne Writes:
>    As much a part of day-to-day lives that College Hockey is for many of
>    us, for most folks it just doesn't exist.  I just spent several days
>    in the New York City - Philadelphia area.  Newspapers from both
>    cities and many small papers (from towns between the cities) had
>    little ice hockey and most of that was pro with a smattering of high
>    school hockey.  I take that back.  One Princeton paper had a one inch
>    article on Princeton (women) hockey.
I find the same situation in Northern Virginia.  I can't get any information
about hockey whatsoever.  The only hockey news I get (Other than this great
list) is about the Wash. Capitols and that is usually a quick blurb.  I think
hockey is mainly popular in the norhtern states.
Todd S. Antonson                    |
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