E G L I N   A F B
                    I N T E R O F F I C E   M E M O R A N D U M
                                        Date:     04-Feb-1991 10:17 CDT
                                        From:     1LT RICO E. VITALE
                                        Dept:     ASD/WL/MNAA
                                        Tel No:   904 882 4085
TO:  _MAILER!                             ( _DDN[[log in to unmask]] )
Subject: LSSU's Winning goal
I was lucky enough to have a great seat for the LSSU vs SLU final game in
Lake Placid (1988).  It was a great game.  I also have a picture I took of
the shot predicating the melee in front of the net.  I seem to remember
seeing it go in, but it may have been the gaol judge light's influence.
Lt Rico Vitale
Let's Go TECH!