Wayne writes:
>   In an interview after the game Amonte said he thought he was knocked
>   unconscious and couldn't really remember the first period,  but that
>   he was "OK" after that.
    There's Quote of the Week for you.
>   As Harvard rested many of its "stars", so did BC ...  BC just did it
>   on the ice.  LaGrand and Crowley don't play like that against Maine!
>   BU had many 3-on-2's with the BC forward nowhere in sight.
    The strange thing was that BC has long been notorious for going to
    sleep against teams they should beat.  This time they did it against
    a quality team.  I can't remember the last time I saw them play such
    an awful game defensively against a team of BU's caliber (think of all
    the great BC-MSU/Maine/Minn matchups over the recent years).  Must be
    that Beanpot jinx.
    - mike