Just a short first posting on the Beanpot final last night:
BOSTON UNIVERSITY 8     Boston College 4
A sound thumping by the boys from Commonwealth Ave., due mainly to a five
goal blitzkrieg in the latter half of the second period.  I personally felt
that BUs defense was suspect for most of the first two periods as they let
a lot attackers skate by in an effort to take the puck rather than the man.
But BU seems to feel that the best defense is a strong offense, so after
being outshot 14-7 in the first but retaining a 2-2 tie, each team tallied
15 shots in the second but BU got the better of it with a 7-4 lead.
The last goal of the second came at 19:59 and gave BU a three goal lead
going into the locker room, which of course is so much bigger than a two
goal lead, it seems.  After being shaken up by a collision with 2 BC guys
in the first, Tony Amonte was largely responsible for the offensive fire
as he had completed a hat trick by the end of the second. The
rest was a waiting game.
My question (probably to mike...) is: is this the most goals LaGrand has
ever let by in a game?  I can't remember ever seeing more than 5 pucks
go by him, not to mention 7 of the first 22.