What I think the biggest problem with the refereeing in college hockey, and
something that I really don't understand at all, is why is the entire
responsibility of keeping the game in control placed on the shoulders of
one person?  I am a relatively new fan of college hockey, and I am amazed
by the fact that only one referee is able to call penalties in a game.  Why
are the linesmen not allowed to call anything other than offsides and
icing?  I cannot think of any other team sport where only one official is
allowed to call penalties/fouls (I am thinking primarialy of football and
basketball, however).  Personally, I think that it is an impossible job for
one offical.  My opinion is that the quality and consistancy of the
officiating would be much improved if the linesmen were given an expanded
role in officiating games.
^  Geoffrey Wehrman                   ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK   |  /  |    |    ^
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^  The University of Kansas           ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK   | \   |    |    ^
^  Lawrence, Kansas                   ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK   |  \   \__/     ^