On Thu, 31 Jan 91 08:50:04 EST <C-WHIT@UMINN1> said:
> goalie is deemed "protected". There have been several calls in U of M games in
> the past few years for "checking the goalie in a protected area". The area
> extends behind the net and there are definite limits to it. If I can find my
> notes at home from my Ice Hockey Coaching class, I will post the exact area.
The goalie's protected area is a rectangle bounded by the end of the rink,
a line connecting the faceoff dots in the defensive zone, and lines
parallel to the side boards through the faceoff dots. The goalie cannot
be checked in that area. The goalie also cannot wander around
in the defensive zone running interference with his teammates, which
is really what LaGrand was trying to do, get in the way of Cornell's
forecheckers and draw a penalty.